Sounding the Alarm

Don Stump, President/CEO of Christian Church Homes

Don Stump, President/CEO of Christian Church Homes

As you have likely heard, the White House has recently shared their proposed Fiscal Year 2018 budget. As a provider of affordable housing, I was most dismayed by the lack of sufficient funding in key areas critical to our mission and the needs of our vulnerable population.

It is more critical than ever to get involved and communicate with our legislators about the shortcomings of this budget and to push for their support. Through this links below I offer more information and an easy way to make a BIG difference.

LeadingAge Vice President of Housing Policy Linda Couch, has written an excellent analysis of the proposed budget and it’s potential impact on senior housing.  In essence, the proposed budget request for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would cut funding by more than 15% compared to HUD’s enacted funding level for fiscal year 2017.

In addition, annual rental subsidies and Section 202 Housing for the Elderly could experience devastating cuts while possibly eliminating Community Development Block Grants and the National Housing Trust. The end result will likely leave more seniors with even fewer options for decent housing at a time they need it the most.  There’s never been a more important moment for you to speak on behalf of older adults who have often contributed so much to our communities and our economy.  I humbly ask you to consider clicking on the link below to help us protect affordable housing at this critical moment.  In this modern age of technology, LeadingAge has made this incredibly easy.  On behalf of tens of thousands of seniors, I thank you for our consideration and support.

Click here to access the online form.

Don Stump, President/CEO



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