While California has some of the highest rents in the nation, there is some good news for older state residents. According to a report from the MedicareGuide analysis, California residents are better poised for long-term care in their golden years than folks in other parts of the country.
MedicareGuide, which is part of the HealthCare.com consumer health information website, ranked states across 27 relevant measures including cost, access and quality to assess which states and regions provided the best long-term care.
According to previous research, the federal government is projecting there will be 95 million people aged 65 or older by 2065, with 15 percent of that group expected to have at least two disabilities. As a result, the number of Americans using long-term care services is expected to double from 7 million to more than 14 million by 2065. The research showed some states are doing better than others in prepping for the coming “silver wave.”
California tops the MedicareGuide list for its low monthly community and assisted living costs, followed closely behind by Minnesota and Washington. The states of South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming are at the bottom of the list.
Since its early beginning, CCH has instituted social service programs designed to provide resources to help residents age in place with dignity and grace. CCH was one of the first affordable housing organizations to establish on-site Social Service Coordinators who work directly with residents in linking them with appropriate community resources and programs. Over the years, this personal touch has significantly added to the quality of residents’ lives, helping them to live more independently and to reap the benefits of a rich home life.