Dear Friends:
CCH currently employs a few hundred people and provides safe and affordable housing, along with an array of supportive services, to thousands of seniors. We are now housed in Walnut Creek, Ca where the population is 69,500. In our 61 year history, we have provided safe and beautiful homes to more seniors than make up this entire city – something worthy of accolades.
As the baby boomer population continues to age, our country is now seeing more than a fifth of its population ranging in age from 65 to 100. These hearty souls need a complexity of services; transportation, medical support, financial advice and, like myself, hearing aids. Substantial research indicates the number one thing to improve quality of life for seniors is a safe and affordable place to call home – and that is our mission!
CCH has very definite and clear plans to help meet this ever growing and complex challenge of an aging America. Plans are on the drawing board for many new facilities in multiple cities and to continue the sound maintenance and operation of our properties, including our first community in Santa Cruz which has been in operation for 60 years.
Besides our highly-trained staff, CCH has a committed board of directors. The board recently announced a search for a new President/CEO to head our corporate team. In our first 60 years, we have had six CEO’s, and the search is on for our next great leader. When that search is completed, we will share the name of the next good soul who will lead us forward. We stand ready with a dedicated and capable team to ensure a smooth transition in meeting the complex challenges ahead for our aging senior adult population.
Best Wishes,
Don Stump
Acting President/CEO