Dear Friends,
The past several months have challenged our soul as a nation. The rise of COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn has led to record unemployment and placed businesses in jeopardy of closing. The social uprising for justice and reform following the deaths of George Floyd and countless other unarmed Black citizens at the hands the police has left many people unsure of what’s to come next. The emotional toll is almost overwhelming. Yet in times of turmoil and uncertainty, true heroes will rise. Like so many of our nation’s heroes, we are thankful for the dedication of our staff and the support of our partners who have kept CCH communities and its residents afloat through these trying times.
Health and safety remains our highest priority as we combat the ever persistent and dangerous COVID-19. We continue to abide by all health orders from public health officials to protect our communities. Additionally, we take pride in celebrating the diversity of our staff and residents. We stand in solidarity with those working against racism and for the enactment of social change and justice. As part of our commitment to an inclusive work place, we have implemented a mandatory diversity training program to raise awareness about the need to understand and value our differences and to address the impact of unconscious bias. I encourage you to read the article below to learn more about how this training will strengthen the core of our organization.
The financial health of our company also remains a top priority. As a result of years of careful fiscal management, CCH is on sound financial footing and able to withstand the temporary effects of this economic downturn. Earlier this year, Ann Rutigliano came on board as CCH’s Director of Finance. With her many years of financial experience, she is well poised to take CCH to the next level. Read more about her background and plans for CCH’s continued financial growth.