Celebrating a “Win” for Affordable Housing

Don Stump, President/CEO of Christian Church Homes

Don with EBHO

CCH collaborates with many nonprofits in its effort to bring quality services and programs to our communities and push to increase the supply of affordable housing for all community members. One of those nonprofits is East Bay Housing Organization (EBHO). They build coalitions with community leaders, congregations, and networks to seek and promote housing solutions.

We are proud to stand beside EBHO and work with community leaders to bring attention and needed support to initiatives that result in more affordable housing. In fact, we recently celebrated a victory in the City of Walnut Creek, where the City Council passed a measure to increase the housing impact fee on new developments from $15 to $18 per square foot with an annual increase based on the construction cost index starting January 2018. The additional funds generated will supplement resources for affordable housing and preservation, thus creating a sustainable funding pipeline.

Starting in 2012, I started attending meetings with EBHO and concerned citizens who were ready to make a consistent, relentless effort to engage City leaders encouraging them to support this proposal. Today it’s great to say, “We did it!” With patience and persistence, positive and effective change is reachable.

Don Stump, President/CEO



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