CCH Resident Care Fund is Making the Difference

Jeanie Orbun

Jeanie OrbunTwo years ago CCH created a new fund designed to address the needs of residents in the midst of a personal crisis. Because many of our residents live on such tight budgets, unexpected hardships can create a major disruption in their lives. To date, CCH has distributed well over $12,000 gifts to residents in need.

Jeanie Orbun arrived at a CCH community with very few personal items. She needed clothes, cooking tools and basic household items but lacked the resources to address the issue. Provided with a one-time gift, Jeanie was able to procure the basic living items to start her new life. Today, Jeanie shares, “I’m so thankful for the support. It’s made a big difference.”

Vice President of Philanthropy and Mission Implementation John Rodenberg shares, “The fund underscores our commitment to create and sustain caring communities. All donations go directly into the hands of our residents at moments when they need it the most.”

If you would like to support the Resident Care Fund, please click here. No gift is too small. We are grateful for any support on behalf of our residents.

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