CCH Residents Attend Advocacy Day at the California State Capitol

Overhead group photo of the 2016 Advocacy Day attendees

Overhead group photo of the 2016 Advocacy Day attendeesOn June 8, CCH residents congregated with seniors and staff from other affordable housing communities at the California State Capitol. With over 170 attendees, they presented a united front encouraging lawmakers to allocate more funds to build and preserve affordable senior housing.

Advocacy Day was coordinated by LeadingAge California and supported by participating nonprofits. Residents shared the ways in which access to affordable housing has meaningfully improved their quality of life and enabled them to continue residing in communities that many of them helped to build. They also focused on two housing bills, Assembly Bill 2501 and Governor Jerry Brown’s Streamlining Affordable Housing Approvals Trailer Bill. The planned vote for the Trailer Bill has been delayed until August. This piece of legislation would eliminate environmental review for projects that meet local zoning rules and include 20 percent affordable units, or 10 percent, if the project is near public transit.

CCH CEO Don Stump comments, “This legislation is a step in the right direction. I applaud CCH residents and industry colleagues who committed their day and energy to raising awareness and building consensus.”

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