Counting Our Blessings

Don Stump, President/CEO of Christian Church Homes

Dear Friends,

As the end of the year approaches, we should pause to take stock of the blessings in our lives. In doing so, we may find ourselves with the desire and opportunity to help our fellow neighbor. Such an opportunity is coming your way with “Giving Tuesday”. What is Giving Tuesday? It is the nonprofit world’s response to the more heavily commercial aspects of holiday gift giving like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday offers you an opportunity to blend the ease of donating online with the true meaning of the season, a time of sharing with others.

CCH is among the many organizations participating in Giving Tuesday and I invite you to visit our website at Of course, I ask you to consider making a donation but, before you do, take a few minutes to browse through the site and review our annual report. Learn about the important work we do of providing dignity and self-worth to our residents, virtually all of whom have limited financial resources. Acquaint yourself with the supportive communities we manage for over 5,000 residents in seven states. Then, decide to support our mission and our efforts. Every dollar you donate has a direct impact upon the lives of our many residents through services or operational support.

Although, CCH has always gratefully accepted cash donations, we are entering a new era of philanthropy where we are asking benefactors to additionally consider sharing their prosperity through alternative forms of financial support such as appreciated stocks and securities, unused insurance policies, properties, or inclusion in estate plans. For many, these more sophisticated forms of philanthropy can have a significant impact on supporting our mission.

The first waves of the Silver Tsunami of Baby Boomers have arrived. Within the next two decades 80,000,000 people will be retired; approximately 20% (or 16,000,000 people) will retire into poverty and housing insecurity. Your act of kindness will help CCH provide supportive services and operational support for independent seniors with limited resources.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, and residents of CCH, please accept our best wishes for a Happy Holiday season and a Joyful New Year.


Don Stump

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